Recently I wrote about saying yes to life. But today I wanted to address saying no. These past few weeks have been really draining on me. I'm not sure if my body is just fighting off the viruses that are being passed around right now, or if I've just hit my stress tolerance.
Either way, it doesn't matter. What does matter is what I'm doing right now. Ironically I'm giving a presentation today on Stress Management and Boundaries. Last night while trying to work on incorporating stress management techniques into the presentation outline, I crashed. I realized that having been in clinic since 8am, my body and mind couldn't take much more.
I fell asleep next to my notebook at 7:30pm; woke up abruptly when my boyfriend got home at 9pm and then after watching one of our favourite shows together, I was back asleep by 10pm, and didn't roll out of bed until almost 9am.
I knew that I needed to listen to my body and I totally realized just how badly I needed rest. I also knew when to say no. I said no to my work - even though my presentation was the next day, I couldn't give it the attention it deserved in that moment. I also knew that spending just the 40 minutes with my boyfriend was all I could do. He was all ready to stay up and watch a movie, but my priority was on rest.
It didn't bother me, having to say no, because I'd rather say no then be full of resentment.
I read a comment on Jacki Carr's twitter that said "Resentment is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die. Don't drink the poison."
If you say no to someone, what's the worst that could happen? Now ask yourself how likely it is that that situation will occur.
Sometimes we are so busy trying to do everything, and be everything for everyone else around us that we forget to think about what we need.
Remind yourself that it's okay to say no. Friends and family might be a bit ruffled for like 60 seconds, but they'll get over it. And then you'll realize that it was no big deal at all. They're still your friends and family, but you'll feel better knowing that you've taken care of yourself.
All healthy foxes need an outlet for creativity and thought processes. Otherwise how would we stay bubbly? Enjoy my blog world; a space to share my life experiences with healthy and yummy foods, running, yoga, naturopathic practices and self-care
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Favourite Paleo Salad
Today's post is a recipe. This salad tends to be a favourite of mine, as we often make it
while on vacation. That's because it's super easy to make and it's inexpensive.
Salad is NOT just
lettuce. Anyone who thinks that salad is rabbit food is just crazy... or perhaps I'm half rabbit... if rabbits ate garlic and avocado.
Avocados are full of healthy oils- great for your skin too! And garlic is totally antimicrobial - a lifesaver when colds and flus are still going around.
I also love the difference in textures: the mixture of crisp Asian pear with the mushier ripe avocado. Sometimes a bowl of raw veggies just doesn't cut it. Especially when some restaurants drench your salad in disgusting canola or soy-based dressings with all of their sneaky milk ingredients, sugar and preservatives.
The great part is that if you want it as a meal, just add some chopped grilled chicken or salmon.
What you need for 2 servings:
1 bunch of Red leaf lettuce, washed and chopped
1 avocado, scooped out of the rind and "chopped"
1 Asian pear, peeled and chopped
1 Asian pear, peeled and chopped
2-3 green onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
Juice from 1/2 lemon
few globs of olive oil
few globs of olive oil
about 1 tsp balsamic vinegar (optional)
salt and pepper
salt and pepper
Toss everything together and enjoy. Oh! you could also add a small handful of sunflower seeds or hemp seeds for some extra protein, which would make it even better! And if you're really more partial to sweeter dressings, you can add a small drizzle of honey.
That's all for today fox friends. Happy Wednesday!
Monday, September 23, 2013
iPhone shuffle all... it's like a magical musical surprise
There is something so magical and wonderful about music. It's ability to change your mood or influence you is incredible.
Every time I get into my car, or go for a run, I try to decide what I want that run or ride to be like and I pick my music based on exactly how I feel or how I want to feel. I actually ask myself "what kind of running experience do I want today?" Maybe I want a nice calming slow playlist, or some 90's and 2000's pop; or maybe I need extra motivation and need something with a good base and a fast beat.
Some days when I'm stuck in shitty traffic, or the black hole known as Hwy 401, I blast Alanis Morrisette or Amanda Palmer and rock out to the angry chick tunes.
When I get anxious, sometimes I lean on a few indie favourites or good ol' T Swift. If I'm in a jazzy red-wine type of mood, Michael Buble is the man. If I need some cheering up, I go for the best of the Barenaked Ladies or a little Kangaroo Court by Capital Cities... or Wham! ... or George Michael in general... or Walk the Moon... okay, so there are too many genres and artists that could easily cheer me up.
There are very few times I need complete silence and my mind will tell me when it needs that calm. Sometimes near the end of my run, through the last leg of forest, I'll take off my headphones and just listen to the trees.
But there are other times when I don't want to think about what I want to listen to. I might not even know, but I'll let "fate" take it's course and decide. And by "fate" I mean the iPhone "shuffle all songs" button which is now my new favourite button. I never know what's going to play next! and sometimes my iPhone just knows what I need to hear, or just has the best timing ever.
No matter what type of music you enjoy, it is magical. Use it as a tool to change your mood or to help deal with stress. Create a playlist for your day, even if you need to schedule some silence in there too.
Every time I get into my car, or go for a run, I try to decide what I want that run or ride to be like and I pick my music based on exactly how I feel or how I want to feel. I actually ask myself "what kind of running experience do I want today?" Maybe I want a nice calming slow playlist, or some 90's and 2000's pop; or maybe I need extra motivation and need something with a good base and a fast beat.
Some days when I'm stuck in shitty traffic, or the black hole known as Hwy 401, I blast Alanis Morrisette or Amanda Palmer and rock out to the angry chick tunes.
When I get anxious, sometimes I lean on a few indie favourites or good ol' T Swift. If I'm in a jazzy red-wine type of mood, Michael Buble is the man. If I need some cheering up, I go for the best of the Barenaked Ladies or a little Kangaroo Court by Capital Cities... or Wham! ... or George Michael in general... or Walk the Moon... okay, so there are too many genres and artists that could easily cheer me up.
There are very few times I need complete silence and my mind will tell me when it needs that calm. Sometimes near the end of my run, through the last leg of forest, I'll take off my headphones and just listen to the trees.
But there are other times when I don't want to think about what I want to listen to. I might not even know, but I'll let "fate" take it's course and decide. And by "fate" I mean the iPhone "shuffle all songs" button which is now my new favourite button. I never know what's going to play next! and sometimes my iPhone just knows what I need to hear, or just has the best timing ever.
No matter what type of music you enjoy, it is magical. Use it as a tool to change your mood or to help deal with stress. Create a playlist for your day, even if you need to schedule some silence in there too.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Making changes part 3 - Say Yes to Love
In saying yes to love, I'm referring to love in all respects:
1) Love yourself,
2) Accept love from others, and
3) Fall in love with the universe
The first two are probably the hardest. Loving yourself goes hand-in-hand with finding joy in your life and wanting to take care of yourself. If you're having a difficult time with this one it's probably time to look a little deeper.
I read an interesting article on how childhood experiences and traumas can lead to chronic illness. This might bring up a lot for you, but if you can't find a way to love yourself, then that marks a great opportunity to talk to someone (a friend or family member and especially a health care professional, such as naturopathic doctor/intern). Discussing any issues with someone on the "outside" is a great way to get a different perspective and to find the barriers that are preventing you from loving and growing.
Being able to accept love from others also falls under this category. Like a protective wall that isolates you, the guard is up and maybe it's time to explore just what that wall is actually doing for you. Ask what you are protecting yourself from. What feelings come up? Again, this is all best to talk through with a professional who can guide you through this journey.
Keep in mind that this isn't magic and that changes take time, but I commend anyone who goes out and seeks help - even if it's just to talk things out. I've been lucky enough in my life to have that support system through my own naturopathic interns at the college as well as from our amazing student counselor. I'm pretty sure I would have gone crazy had I not had an outlet to get my thoughts and feelings out.
Fall in love with the universe:
I hate Toronto. I can't wait until the day that I can get out of this city. Away from the GTA, away from the 401 highway... I just can't stand big city life. But all of that aside, if someone were to drape a blanket over the whole city... if all the lights were extinguished and the sounds were silenced, you'd be left with a section of the planet, and you'd be able to see the sky and space above you.
Every so often, take a moment to appreciate our world. Seriously be grateful for all that we have. Be thankful for the stars, for the moon, for the way the sky lights up in pinks and purples while the sun sets. Be thankful for great bodies of freshwater. Appreciate all of the species that live in that water and for the circle of life that keeps all of those species procreating over decades. Fall in love with fresh farmed vegetables and appreciate farmers who properly take care of their animals, letting them graze in pasture and who decline to inject them with growth hormones and other fake atrocities.
Lastly, let me leave you with this: It's funny how we always turn to talking about the weather. It's a classic small-talk conversation, but maybe that's a reason for it. How amazing is it that our weather can be different every single day and we really don't have any control over it (not including global warming, but just in general). There's no button you can press that can stop the wind from blowing, or a rope you can pull to make the sun "stay in the sky" longer. If it starts raining... you're screwed. Or maybe you'll take a moment to have that perfect kiss in the rain.
The world is always better when it is filled with love and appreciation.
1) Love yourself,
2) Accept love from others, and
3) Fall in love with the universe
The first two are probably the hardest. Loving yourself goes hand-in-hand with finding joy in your life and wanting to take care of yourself. If you're having a difficult time with this one it's probably time to look a little deeper.
I read an interesting article on how childhood experiences and traumas can lead to chronic illness. This might bring up a lot for you, but if you can't find a way to love yourself, then that marks a great opportunity to talk to someone (a friend or family member and especially a health care professional, such as naturopathic doctor/intern). Discussing any issues with someone on the "outside" is a great way to get a different perspective and to find the barriers that are preventing you from loving and growing.
Being able to accept love from others also falls under this category. Like a protective wall that isolates you, the guard is up and maybe it's time to explore just what that wall is actually doing for you. Ask what you are protecting yourself from. What feelings come up? Again, this is all best to talk through with a professional who can guide you through this journey.
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How amazing is it that these lions are spooning?! |
Keep in mind that this isn't magic and that changes take time, but I commend anyone who goes out and seeks help - even if it's just to talk things out. I've been lucky enough in my life to have that support system through my own naturopathic interns at the college as well as from our amazing student counselor. I'm pretty sure I would have gone crazy had I not had an outlet to get my thoughts and feelings out.
Fall in love with the universe:
I hate Toronto. I can't wait until the day that I can get out of this city. Away from the GTA, away from the 401 highway... I just can't stand big city life. But all of that aside, if someone were to drape a blanket over the whole city... if all the lights were extinguished and the sounds were silenced, you'd be left with a section of the planet, and you'd be able to see the sky and space above you.
Every so often, take a moment to appreciate our world. Seriously be grateful for all that we have. Be thankful for the stars, for the moon, for the way the sky lights up in pinks and purples while the sun sets. Be thankful for great bodies of freshwater. Appreciate all of the species that live in that water and for the circle of life that keeps all of those species procreating over decades. Fall in love with fresh farmed vegetables and appreciate farmers who properly take care of their animals, letting them graze in pasture and who decline to inject them with growth hormones and other fake atrocities.
Lastly, let me leave you with this: It's funny how we always turn to talking about the weather. It's a classic small-talk conversation, but maybe that's a reason for it. How amazing is it that our weather can be different every single day and we really don't have any control over it (not including global warming, but just in general). There's no button you can press that can stop the wind from blowing, or a rope you can pull to make the sun "stay in the sky" longer. If it starts raining... you're screwed. Or maybe you'll take a moment to have that perfect kiss in the rain.

Thursday, September 12, 2013
Going Braless
I love Thursdays. Thursdays are my day off of clinic and it brings me so much joy to not wear clinic clothes. Especially with the heat wave we've had... dress pants and white lab coats are totally counter-productive when it comes to letting my body breathe.
I've always been the type of person to love comfy clothes. I love coming home, putting on pajamas, or wearing track pants all winter long. But new trend I've started with myself is going braless. I call it "Braless Thursdays".
I almost forgot what it was like to not have an underwire constantly nestled under my boobs... to not have straps on my shoulders all day long. Leaning back on a chair or couch and all I feel is my back - not the clasp digging into my spine.
Then there's the sports bra. I wear one at some point almost every single day when I workout. And it's not just any sports bra, but the most heavy-duty Lululemon bra that straps down the girls better than duct tape could. Like a tight elastic that holds them so close to my body that sometimes I'm afraid they'll disappear into my chest cavity. But it sure does hold up to the bounce test!
Sometimes the girls just have to breathe and so I have given them that freedom. It's not for attention, or to seem overtly sexual in public, but more for just comfort and to remove the restriction that's there the other 6 days of the week.
You could say I'm still "young and perky" and with my breast reduction, no longer have all of that extra weight pulling down from my chest, pulling at my shoulders and back. So I'm lucky in that respect.
I think we're all entitled to our braless days -without any judgement. And if you do stare at me in public, the thought in my head is that you're sad that your bra is clasped tight around you and mine is left in a drawer at home.
There's no bra-burning party about to happen, but maybe a good ol' fashion high five for comfort!
I've always been the type of person to love comfy clothes. I love coming home, putting on pajamas, or wearing track pants all winter long. But new trend I've started with myself is going braless. I call it "Braless Thursdays".
I almost forgot what it was like to not have an underwire constantly nestled under my boobs... to not have straps on my shoulders all day long. Leaning back on a chair or couch and all I feel is my back - not the clasp digging into my spine.
Then there's the sports bra. I wear one at some point almost every single day when I workout. And it's not just any sports bra, but the most heavy-duty Lululemon bra that straps down the girls better than duct tape could. Like a tight elastic that holds them so close to my body that sometimes I'm afraid they'll disappear into my chest cavity. But it sure does hold up to the bounce test!
Sometimes the girls just have to breathe and so I have given them that freedom. It's not for attention, or to seem overtly sexual in public, but more for just comfort and to remove the restriction that's there the other 6 days of the week.
You could say I'm still "young and perky" and with my breast reduction, no longer have all of that extra weight pulling down from my chest, pulling at my shoulders and back. So I'm lucky in that respect.
I think we're all entitled to our braless days -without any judgement. And if you do stare at me in public, the thought in my head is that you're sad that your bra is clasped tight around you and mine is left in a drawer at home.
There's no bra-burning party about to happen, but maybe a good ol' fashion high five for comfort!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Making changes Part 2: Say yes to laughing
They say laughter is the best medicine. I would argue that healthy food is actually the best medicine, but laughing is a very close second.
Some days I force myself to smile and somehow my mind catches up to the smiling and I just feel happier. So, does smiling set off some sort of neurotransmitter cascade that makes you happy? Like a Pavlov's dog for emotion? Smile and a switch turns on in your brain making you happy?
One of the greatest sounds is a genuine and "hearty" laugh from one of your friends. Take a second and try to hear it in your head. It makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's because you know they're laughing at something truly funny. Maybe they just have a really funny laugh. Or maybe it brings back a happy memory for you.
If that isn't working for you, maybe you know someone with a baby. Now imagine the sound of that baby laughing; Like truly laughing in that hysterical baby way. Does that not make you want to laugh?
There is something about laughing that makes you feel so much better about everything. And if it fills you with an overall sense of well-being and happiness, then of course it's going to be a wonderful type of medicine. Maybe it won't cure all medical conditions, but it sure does improve quality of life.
I think laughing can work like a Care Bear Stare. The more you smile and laugh, the more you drive away negative energy.
Laugh every day. And add some smiling and dancing in there too.
Some days I force myself to smile and somehow my mind catches up to the smiling and I just feel happier. So, does smiling set off some sort of neurotransmitter cascade that makes you happy? Like a Pavlov's dog for emotion? Smile and a switch turns on in your brain making you happy?
One of the greatest sounds is a genuine and "hearty" laugh from one of your friends. Take a second and try to hear it in your head. It makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's because you know they're laughing at something truly funny. Maybe they just have a really funny laugh. Or maybe it brings back a happy memory for you.
If that isn't working for you, maybe you know someone with a baby. Now imagine the sound of that baby laughing; Like truly laughing in that hysterical baby way. Does that not make you want to laugh?
There is something about laughing that makes you feel so much better about everything. And if it fills you with an overall sense of well-being and happiness, then of course it's going to be a wonderful type of medicine. Maybe it won't cure all medical conditions, but it sure does improve quality of life.
I think laughing can work like a Care Bear Stare. The more you smile and laugh, the more you drive away negative energy.
Laugh every day. And add some smiling and dancing in there too.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Making changes Part 1: Say Yes to Life
Say Yes to Life
Many of us get stuck in that "day-to-day", following the same routine which feels safe to us. But when you think about it, time is precious, so shouldn't it be important what we do with that time? It's okay to stay in a place where you feel safe, but we shouldn't restrict ourselves based on fear of the unfamiliar.
My aunt once told me "Yes! You have to say yes to life!" And what she meant was say yes to opportunities when they come up. If there's something you really want to do, don't let someone hold you back from it (even if they're not saying it to your face).
I hate sayings like "YOLO" or "life is short". Of course it's short. We all know that, and "YOLO" shouldn't be an excuse to do something stupid or potentially dangerous. But when a new opportunity arises, well... it's kinda nice to think that you're filling your own life with new memories and creating your own adventures.
My boyfriend and I are flying out to BC this fall/winter, somewhere I've never been, and I'm so excited. It'll be an adventure on it's own, but it comes with the possibility of falling in love with BC and moving there. The unknown is exciting. Just because I was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area, doesn't mean I have to stay here. Having roots is amazing, but I also like knowing that I'm not permanently fixed in one place in my life. Who says that you can't do something?
On a smaller scale, I used to look up to women who ran and did yoga. They were always so relaxed, so happy, so fit. I thought, I want that to be me. I want that endurance, that strength, that serenity. So I made the choice to try. I've been practicing yoga on and off for 4 years now and this summer was the first time I started running. It's a feat of endurance and each time I go out, it gets easier: I can run longer without feeling tired or getting out of breath. I decided to make that change in my life and try something new, and it has been incredible!
Another example: my sister wrote a children's book. She's a stay-at-home mommy with two amazing, beautiful children, and baby #3 on the way, and she took the initiative to have her book bound and made available on Amazon. (Click the link or search for the Bubble Dragon on
She made the choice to invest in her creativity. She reached out to one of my friends who is an incredibly talented illustrator, and she made her vision come true.
The idea of freedom is liberating. We make choices everyday and those choices shape our lives. I just like reminding myself of that: I make the choices that shape my life. It's a very powerful responsibility... with the potential to have amazing adventures, no matter how big or how small.
Many of us get stuck in that "day-to-day", following the same routine which feels safe to us. But when you think about it, time is precious, so shouldn't it be important what we do with that time? It's okay to stay in a place where you feel safe, but we shouldn't restrict ourselves based on fear of the unfamiliar.
My aunt once told me "Yes! You have to say yes to life!" And what she meant was say yes to opportunities when they come up. If there's something you really want to do, don't let someone hold you back from it (even if they're not saying it to your face).
I hate sayings like "YOLO" or "life is short". Of course it's short. We all know that, and "YOLO" shouldn't be an excuse to do something stupid or potentially dangerous. But when a new opportunity arises, well... it's kinda nice to think that you're filling your own life with new memories and creating your own adventures.
My boyfriend and I are flying out to BC this fall/winter, somewhere I've never been, and I'm so excited. It'll be an adventure on it's own, but it comes with the possibility of falling in love with BC and moving there. The unknown is exciting. Just because I was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area, doesn't mean I have to stay here. Having roots is amazing, but I also like knowing that I'm not permanently fixed in one place in my life. Who says that you can't do something?
On a smaller scale, I used to look up to women who ran and did yoga. They were always so relaxed, so happy, so fit. I thought, I want that to be me. I want that endurance, that strength, that serenity. So I made the choice to try. I've been practicing yoga on and off for 4 years now and this summer was the first time I started running. It's a feat of endurance and each time I go out, it gets easier: I can run longer without feeling tired or getting out of breath. I decided to make that change in my life and try something new, and it has been incredible!
Another example: my sister wrote a children's book. She's a stay-at-home mommy with two amazing, beautiful children, and baby #3 on the way, and she took the initiative to have her book bound and made available on Amazon. (Click the link or search for the Bubble Dragon on
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The Bubble Dragon. Graphics by Laura Ireton |
The idea of freedom is liberating. We make choices everyday and those choices shape our lives. I just like reminding myself of that: I make the choices that shape my life. It's a very powerful responsibility... with the potential to have amazing adventures, no matter how big or how small.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Paleo cooking adventures: Okra and more recipes
I was in a kitchen adventure mood yesterday and decided to try okra for the first time. There are about four okra recipes in my Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook and as I happened to see it at the grocery store, I thought it's time to try something new.
So I modified the recipe in the cookbook (because my instincts are usually better) and made delicious okra. Surprisingly, it was a very mellow greeny vegetable seeing as how it looks a little... let's say "rough". I expected it to be tough and tarte but was pleasantly surprised with how those things turned out. Even more surprising, they're filled with these cool little pods which tasted just as delicious! Total score on the dinner front!
I apologize for the bad presentation on the plate, but honestly, it was so good that I started eating and completely forgot to take a picture of it before I starting cutting into my pork rib eye.
Today's paleo dinner in 30 minutes:
Spiced pork rib eye steak and okra with sauteed zucchini, kale chips and a tomato basil salad
Preheat oven to 400 C
Heat a cast iron skillet on medium heat with about a tbsp coconut oil. Add a couple chopped shallots and a chopped zucchini. Cook for a few minutes until shallots begin to soften.
Meanwhile, make your spice blend (and make enough for both the pork and the okra):
In a small bowl toss together some paprika, dry mustard, cumin, a pinch of curry powder, a bit of powdered ginger, salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne if you like.
Sprinkle over pork steaks and massage it in a little, making sure to get both sides. Once your zucchini and onions are starting to soften, add the pork to the skillet and sear nicely on all sides. Then just pop the cast iron skillet (with the pork and veg) right into the oven for about 10-14 minutes depending on the thickness of the pork and how long you seared it.
Okra: Wash okra, pat dry and place in a mixing bowl pour about 1/2 cup or so of olive oil over the okra and toss to coat. Lay out on a baking sheet with parchment paper in a single layer and sprinkle with the remaining spice blend.
Cook in oven for about 10 minutes - flipping them after 5 minutes.
Tomato basil salad:
Take one package of grape tomatoes and slice each tomato in half. Add to bowl. Take a nice handful of fresh basil, chop and add to bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I used a fig balsamic which is so ridiculously delicious). Season with salt and pepper, then gently toss to mix, and serve!
This was an extremely satisfying meal and somehow the meat gods smiled on me and allowed the pork to come out of the oven cooked perfectly! Hence why there's already a bite out of it on the plate in the picture. I will definitely be experimenting more with okra in the future!
So I modified the recipe in the cookbook (because my instincts are usually better) and made delicious okra. Surprisingly, it was a very mellow greeny vegetable seeing as how it looks a little... let's say "rough". I expected it to be tough and tarte but was pleasantly surprised with how those things turned out. Even more surprising, they're filled with these cool little pods which tasted just as delicious! Total score on the dinner front!
I apologize for the bad presentation on the plate, but honestly, it was so good that I started eating and completely forgot to take a picture of it before I starting cutting into my pork rib eye.
Today's paleo dinner in 30 minutes:
Spiced pork rib eye steak and okra with sauteed zucchini, kale chips and a tomato basil salad
Preheat oven to 400 C
Heat a cast iron skillet on medium heat with about a tbsp coconut oil. Add a couple chopped shallots and a chopped zucchini. Cook for a few minutes until shallots begin to soften.
Meanwhile, make your spice blend (and make enough for both the pork and the okra):
In a small bowl toss together some paprika, dry mustard, cumin, a pinch of curry powder, a bit of powdered ginger, salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne if you like.
Sprinkle over pork steaks and massage it in a little, making sure to get both sides. Once your zucchini and onions are starting to soften, add the pork to the skillet and sear nicely on all sides. Then just pop the cast iron skillet (with the pork and veg) right into the oven for about 10-14 minutes depending on the thickness of the pork and how long you seared it.
Okra: Wash okra, pat dry and place in a mixing bowl pour about 1/2 cup or so of olive oil over the okra and toss to coat. Lay out on a baking sheet with parchment paper in a single layer and sprinkle with the remaining spice blend.
Cook in oven for about 10 minutes - flipping them after 5 minutes.
Tomato basil salad:
Take one package of grape tomatoes and slice each tomato in half. Add to bowl. Take a nice handful of fresh basil, chop and add to bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I used a fig balsamic which is so ridiculously delicious). Season with salt and pepper, then gently toss to mix, and serve!
This was an extremely satisfying meal and somehow the meat gods smiled on me and allowed the pork to come out of the oven cooked perfectly! Hence why there's already a bite out of it on the plate in the picture. I will definitely be experimenting more with okra in the future!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Take a breath
It's funny how we, as humans, often neglect our bodies and how we control them. I think we take for granted that we can actually control our breathing. I mean, think about it. At any point in time you can consciously change your breathing rhythm and rate until you decide to give up control to your autonomic system.
So is there a point to us being able to do this? Of course there is! We just get so busy that we forget. Which is totally silly because we use the expression "Take a deep breath" when we want someone to calm down.
Your breath, and the filling of your lungs with air is the result of your diaphragm contracting and pulling downwards, changing the pressure within the lungs and forcing air in. The diaphragm (not to be confused with the birth control device... that would be a terrible misunderstanding) is a giant muscle! A beautiful, intricately designed muscle that weaves around your esophagus and descending aorta which works constantly to keep bringing in new air into your lungs.
It is on the exhale that this muscle relaxes and "pushes" air back out. On average we take between 12-16 breaths per minute. Which means, that's how many times the diaphragm contracts! Then add in the fact that our bodies let us turn off the autopilot to control our own breathing... and... is anyone else as amazed as me? Pretty cool, eh? Now that we have a little perspective, what is the point of being able to control our breath?
Well, first off, we can hold our breath when we go underwater... or if we're shielding our olfactory receptors from some unhappy-making odour in the room. But I really wanted to talk about two amazing things you can do with your breath:
1) Relax. Seriously. Anytime you get worked up about something, stop, put your feet on the ground, close your eyes and take 4 slow deep breaths. Now tell me how you feel after that.
If you need more instructions, I suggest the box method: imagine drawing the 4 sides of a box with your breathing. Inahle 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat that a couple times.
It'll help manage stress, and help you to relax. It also forces you to concentrate on your breath - a key component in both yoga and meditation, so you actually can clear your mind for those few seconds and stop yourself from thinking about whatever it is that made you upset in the first place.
2) Strengthening exercises: Want to support your muscles during your workout? It's so important to breathe while you workout (I hope this is a no-brainer), but also to match your breath with your weight lifting. Each time you do a strengthening exercise you want to exhale during the "lifting/pressing" of any weights and inhale as you release them.
I swear, this isn't phoney bologna. Remember when I said that as you inhale, you're contracting your diaphragm? Well, this is a nice big muscle located just under the lungs and above your abdominal organs. So when you contract this muscle, forcing it to pull down and push up, you're actually also adding more strength and stability to your core. When you isolate certain muscles to work on (ex. bicep curls), you want the rest of your body to be stable and static. You wouldn't slouch ... you want a nice straight spine with shoulders and hips aligned. Well, matching your breath to your weight lifting helps with that.
The bonus is that it forces you to breathe. I know, it sounds silly, but many of us forget to breathe when we workout. We're so caught up in our heads, straining to lift our weights, wanting to bench press just a little more, thinking that we're super strong, but that moment is so intense that we hold our breath! Well, stop it! Or rather, resume breathing!
Make it a goal to just take notice of your breathing each day. Just sit for a few minutes and concentrate on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, and appreciate just how wonderful the diaphragm is. Feel the muscle contract, feel the air filling your lungs, feel your chest and abdomen expand with each inhale and then pull your abdomen in as you exhale. Brilliant.
So is there a point to us being able to do this? Of course there is! We just get so busy that we forget. Which is totally silly because we use the expression "Take a deep breath" when we want someone to calm down.
Your breath, and the filling of your lungs with air is the result of your diaphragm contracting and pulling downwards, changing the pressure within the lungs and forcing air in. The diaphragm (not to be confused with the birth control device... that would be a terrible misunderstanding) is a giant muscle! A beautiful, intricately designed muscle that weaves around your esophagus and descending aorta which works constantly to keep bringing in new air into your lungs.
It is on the exhale that this muscle relaxes and "pushes" air back out. On average we take between 12-16 breaths per minute. Which means, that's how many times the diaphragm contracts! Then add in the fact that our bodies let us turn off the autopilot to control our own breathing... and... is anyone else as amazed as me? Pretty cool, eh? Now that we have a little perspective, what is the point of being able to control our breath?
Well, first off, we can hold our breath when we go underwater... or if we're shielding our olfactory receptors from some unhappy-making odour in the room. But I really wanted to talk about two amazing things you can do with your breath:
1) Relax. Seriously. Anytime you get worked up about something, stop, put your feet on the ground, close your eyes and take 4 slow deep breaths. Now tell me how you feel after that.
If you need more instructions, I suggest the box method: imagine drawing the 4 sides of a box with your breathing. Inahle 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat that a couple times.
It'll help manage stress, and help you to relax. It also forces you to concentrate on your breath - a key component in both yoga and meditation, so you actually can clear your mind for those few seconds and stop yourself from thinking about whatever it is that made you upset in the first place.
2) Strengthening exercises: Want to support your muscles during your workout? It's so important to breathe while you workout (I hope this is a no-brainer), but also to match your breath with your weight lifting. Each time you do a strengthening exercise you want to exhale during the "lifting/pressing" of any weights and inhale as you release them.
I swear, this isn't phoney bologna. Remember when I said that as you inhale, you're contracting your diaphragm? Well, this is a nice big muscle located just under the lungs and above your abdominal organs. So when you contract this muscle, forcing it to pull down and push up, you're actually also adding more strength and stability to your core. When you isolate certain muscles to work on (ex. bicep curls), you want the rest of your body to be stable and static. You wouldn't slouch ... you want a nice straight spine with shoulders and hips aligned. Well, matching your breath to your weight lifting helps with that.
The bonus is that it forces you to breathe. I know, it sounds silly, but many of us forget to breathe when we workout. We're so caught up in our heads, straining to lift our weights, wanting to bench press just a little more, thinking that we're super strong, but that moment is so intense that we hold our breath! Well, stop it! Or rather, resume breathing!
Make it a goal to just take notice of your breathing each day. Just sit for a few minutes and concentrate on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, and appreciate just how wonderful the diaphragm is. Feel the muscle contract, feel the air filling your lungs, feel your chest and abdomen expand with each inhale and then pull your abdomen in as you exhale. Brilliant.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Smoothies and protein powders
Colleagues and friends often ask my opinion on protein powders, and many patients are always looking for smoothie recipes. I don't even understand why you would need a recipe when you're just blending a bunch of yummy stuff together. It's not like you're baking the smoothie afterwards or are serving it to your Ladies Who Lunch group. But regardless, everyone needs a starting point, so I'm today I'm teaching the basics on smoothie-making.
A smoothie is your quick protein and carb fuel after a good workout. Your muscles need that fuel to repair themselves after any damage that might have occurred from workin' them so damn hard (relative to each person's individual fitness level, of course).
First things first, you need a Magic Bullet or a blender. I love the Bullet because it's fairly inexpensive ($30 at Canadian Tire right now), and it makes a nice sized single portion. Plus, you drink out of the container that you're blending in, so that's one less glass to wash later - total bonus! (especially if you don't have a dishwasher like me).
Here is my post-workout smoothie with "variations." I'm not listing a bunch of recipes because that's stupid... you can easily swap ingredients in and out of a smoothie and it's still going to be delicious, and it's still going to do it's job to fuel your muscles.
Start with your Magic Bullet "cup".
Fill halfway with Silk True Almond milk (original or vanilla - vanilla is much sweeter if you really like your sugar)
Add in 1-2 handfuls of frozen fruit
Add 1 scoop of protein powder: I prefer either Sunwarrior Protein Powder (natural or vanilla), or Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Shake Mix
Add 1 heaping tsp or 1 tbsp of almond butter
Fill remainder of cup with either water or pure (no sugar added) orange juice.
Blend for about 10-15 seconds and enjoy!
Both protein powders listed are vegan, which is great for us non-dairy/non-casein people. Some people love their lactose-free whey powder, so if you're fine with milk protein (casein) but just not lactose, then I'd opt for Provitalex by Cytomatrix.
What about if you just ran out of protein powder?! What a crazy world we live in... but you can still make a smoothie even if you don't have protein powder on hand:
3-4 ice cubes
Almond milk (chocolate, vanilla or original), or water
2 tablespoons of almond butter
2-3 handfuls of frozen fruit
top with water and blend away.
Feeling like shakin' it up a bit? Add a 1/2 banana! Have protein powder but not almond butter? Leave it out and make your smoothie anyway! Get in your kitchen and pretend you are Bill Nye! Experiment! As the Frizz would say "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!"
We need to stop being afraid of cooking and making food. We live in a world so filled with "conveniences" that sometimes we forget to actually work at something and take the easy road. I'm not saying to boycott Booster Juice for the rest of your life, but paying $10 for a smoothie that you can make at home is just not as rewarding (for you or your bank account).
A smoothie is your quick protein and carb fuel after a good workout. Your muscles need that fuel to repair themselves after any damage that might have occurred from workin' them so damn hard (relative to each person's individual fitness level, of course).
First things first, you need a Magic Bullet or a blender. I love the Bullet because it's fairly inexpensive ($30 at Canadian Tire right now), and it makes a nice sized single portion. Plus, you drink out of the container that you're blending in, so that's one less glass to wash later - total bonus! (especially if you don't have a dishwasher like me).
Here is my post-workout smoothie with "variations." I'm not listing a bunch of recipes because that's stupid... you can easily swap ingredients in and out of a smoothie and it's still going to be delicious, and it's still going to do it's job to fuel your muscles.
Start with your Magic Bullet "cup".
Fill halfway with Silk True Almond milk (original or vanilla - vanilla is much sweeter if you really like your sugar)
Add in 1-2 handfuls of frozen fruit
Add 1 scoop of protein powder: I prefer either Sunwarrior Protein Powder (natural or vanilla), or Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Shake Mix
Add 1 heaping tsp or 1 tbsp of almond butter
Fill remainder of cup with either water or pure (no sugar added) orange juice.
Blend for about 10-15 seconds and enjoy!
Both protein powders listed are vegan, which is great for us non-dairy/non-casein people. Some people love their lactose-free whey powder, so if you're fine with milk protein (casein) but just not lactose, then I'd opt for Provitalex by Cytomatrix.
What about if you just ran out of protein powder?! What a crazy world we live in... but you can still make a smoothie even if you don't have protein powder on hand:
3-4 ice cubes
Almond milk (chocolate, vanilla or original), or water
2 tablespoons of almond butter
2-3 handfuls of frozen fruit
top with water and blend away.
Feeling like shakin' it up a bit? Add a 1/2 banana! Have protein powder but not almond butter? Leave it out and make your smoothie anyway! Get in your kitchen and pretend you are Bill Nye! Experiment! As the Frizz would say "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!"
We need to stop being afraid of cooking and making food. We live in a world so filled with "conveniences" that sometimes we forget to actually work at something and take the easy road. I'm not saying to boycott Booster Juice for the rest of your life, but paying $10 for a smoothie that you can make at home is just not as rewarding (for you or your bank account).
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